Tuesday 23 April 2019

An Overview of The New Ayinke House, Pres. Buhari Will Commission - Photos

Ayinke House to many living in Lagos is known as a baby factory. Just as Lagos Island Maternity center is to Lagos, such is Ayinke House to many Nigerians. But of what use is an edifice if it's lacking its basic medical facilities?

The Lagos State Government embarked on total reconstruction and remodeling of this house to make it a world-class facility. In a statement by the commissioner of health, he said, “The facility is a sight to behold. You can only compare facility here with what you can see in the developed world. There is no private hospital in Lagos can match it. It is totally out of this world. Women in Lagos are very in for a fantastic time.“The government has been gracious, they have recruited personnel to populate this edifice and after commissioning they are going full blast,” he added.

AutoReportNG was able to get an exclusive image of the new hospital and how the inside looks like for you.

See images below...

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