Thursday 1 March 2018

TBS BRT Bus Station: First Time Experience During Rush Hour

Last week we asked if TBS Bus Station is the best in terms of structure, facilities, security etc and the answer we got is quite overwhelming. To some, it's a foolish question as there is no basis for comparison, and to some, they felt Ikeja BRT Bus Station stands close to it. We are at Muson Centre for an event and luckily, we closed during the rush hour and decided to take an assessment of our wonderful TBS BRT Bus station and what we see are these:

1. The buses were nowhere to be found, once it gets 3pm, its as if the buses went into hiding, we had a chat with one of the security as to what is keeping them and he said they were held up on Eko Bridge, Eko Bridge links from TBS to Costain in the mainland and from Costain up to Jibowu, Onipanu etc so they spend at least 45 to 50mins in traffic which causes the bus station to be full of people

2. There are no official in charge to control the crowd
One would have thought that an official at least should ensure that the queue is maintained and the passengers are line orderly but it seems the officials got tired of standing and they decide to take a stroll

3. The ticketers were very rude
I don't know what to call this maybe they were overwhelmed due to the flock of people or maybe they are fasting or they are hungry, the manner at which some of these ticketers attend to people is below par as it seems they have found a clique to be rude to passengers. While we understand that people are difficult to please especially Lagosians, at least some decorum ought to be put in place to explain yourself and also made them understand you have no smaller denominations.

4. Refreshment 
I noticed it was boldly written that sellers, hawkers were not allowed in the park but someone would have expected that an alternative will be provided, we stood for almost 30mins and yours truly was seriously hungry, we have no choice than to stroll out and get something outside the premises. In as much as we support the motion, those lock up kiosk should be open for business to cater for these needs.

5. Maintenance of the bus
While we give kudos to the operator of the fleet of the BRT for doing an excellent job in making sure the buses were always neat and also making sure passengers have a stress free journey, we felt its time they start thinking of ways to curb the water on the roof of the buses and this is a result of the AC in the bus, but apart from that they did well in that area.

Above all, we will rate them 70%

- AutoReportNG

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